Library Services

We’re available to help you find information and answer questions during open hours. We’ll be glad to assist you with locating materials and will do our best help you use library resources.


The Library has programs for all ages throughout the year. We welcome program ideas and suggestions. Details on Adult, Young Adult, and Children’s programs can be found on each department’s page on this website.

Special Collections

Large Print
Books of fiction, non-fiction, mysteries, and westerns located conveniently at the front entrance of the library.

Find genealogical materials in the Genealogy room. For the use of local and visiting researchers.

Spanish Language
A collection of materials written in Spanish is available.

Activities and Services for Children

We currently have Storytime for all ages.

Summer Reading Program
Each year in June a reading program for kids, teens, and adults is held in the library. Each week the library hosts craft sessions and other programs. Come by the Library to get the complete schedule in May.

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten
Reading to a child helps create fond childhood memories, budding vocabulary, and builds early reading skills that are necessary for lifelong learning success.  Contact the Children’s Librarian at 580-338-7330 for more information about this wonderful program and how you can get enrolled.


Hands-on learning with interactive STEAM manipulatives and a themed book. STEAM Kit cards can be found in the Kids Corner and can be checked out at the front desk.

Programs and Events for Teens

Programs for teens include craft programs, game nights, and movie nights.

Adult Programs

Programs for adults currently include a monthly craft (CrafterWork), book club (PageTurners), embroidery class (Sit and Stitch), and yoga classes.

*Check out our Facebook page (you don’t need a Facebook account to see our page) for dates/times or give us a call at 580-338-7330